Despite our generation’s economic challenges due to the national debt, we remain optimistic and empowered to drive change and ensure a brighter future.

Building a vibrant economic future is within our generation’s power – we have the motivation, the creativity, and the brains to achieve it. Coming of age amid a turbulent economy, however, we’ve faced no shortage of challenges – from student debt to the uncertainty of the job market.

Yet even in the face of these challenges, the next generation is far more optimistic about their finances in 2023 than any other generation, and we’re especially confident about our ability to create our own success. According to a 2022 study by the Morning Consult, Gen-Zers are still optimistic about their financial future, with 4 in 5 expecting that they will do as well or better financially than their parents.

Gen Z isn't just waiting for better opportunities to come our way: We’re actively building the future we want. 62% of Gen Z indicate they have started—or intend to start—their own business, Gen Z is poised to become the most entrepreneurial generation the world has seen.

But it’s up to us to harness our knowledge, our voices, and our power to take charge of the future.