

Contact: Julie Walsh


(202) 518-6489                                                                                                

September 30, 2020


Year 9 of Up to Us Launches with Hundreds of Students on More Than 40 Campuses Joining Growing National Movement of Young Leaders 

WASHINGTON, D.C. – As Election Day approaches and Americans continue to grapple with the public health and economic crisis sparked by COVID-19, students on more than 40 college campuses across the country are joining Up to Us to virtually mobilize their peers and engage federal policymakers about the need for a sustainable fiscal future. Up to Us is a national, non-partisan campus-based initiative that galvanizes young people to engage on our fiscal and economic challenges. 

“America faces a range of complex short- and long-term challenges, and no one has more at stake in how we meet them than the next generation,” said Michael A. Peterson, CEO of the Peter G. Peterson Foundation. “These outstanding young leaders are making their voices heard because they understand that we need to do much more to build a stronger fiscal foundation for the future. Doing so will not only support greater economic opportunities for them, but will also help ensure that our whole nation is better prepared for the next crisis.”  

Launched in 2012 by the Peter G. Peterson Foundation in partnership with the Clinton Global Initiative University (CGI U) and Net Impact, Up to Us has expanded to all 50 states and engaged more than 370,000 people to raise awareness on the country’s fiscal challenges.

With most campuses across the country shifting to online or hybrid instruction models, this year’s Up to Us campus competition will focus on helping student leaders organize and advocate in a virtual world. In addition, specialized "Career Tracks" will allow students to tailor their Up to Us engagement to their career interests to build skills as they prepare to enter the workforce. Students will harness digital advocacy strategies to engage their communities in virtual events, including debates, round tables, and social media contests. They will also elevate the voices of young Americans and rally their peers to sign the Up to Us Pledge, emphasizing the essential role young people play in building a strong fiscal future. 

Additionally, this year’s competition will leverage the momentum around the presidential election to encourage young people to consider the policy solutions that impact their fiscal and economic futures. A new Up to Us Election 2020 Information Hub will help student leaders navigate the electoral process and empower them to amplify their voices.

Teams from the following schools will take part in this year’s Up to Us campus competition beginning this fall, with an additional slate of teams competing in the spring semester:

Baruch College

Baylor University

Central Community College – Grand Island

Central Texas College

College of Mount Saint Vincent

Cornell University

Earlham College

Elon University

Florida A&M University

Georgetown University – McDonough School of Business

Harvard University – Kennedy School of Government

Independence Community College

Jarvis Christian College

Linn-Benton Community College

Los Angeles Pierce Community College

Mesa Community College

Miami Dade College – Kendall Campus

Miami Dade College – Wolfson Campus

Miami Dade College – Eduardo J. Padrón Campus

Minnesota State University Moorhead

Mount Mary University

New York University

Northwestern University

Oberlin College

Oklahoma Christian University

Philander Smith College

Skyline Community College

Spelman College

St. Catherine University

Stony Brook University

SUNY Oneonta

The College of Westchester

The Ohio State University

University of California, Irvine

University of Central Florida

University of Florida

University of Maryland

University of Notre Dame

University of Rochester

University of Southern Indiana

University of Texas at El Paso

University of Washington

Wayne State University

West Liberty University

Teams participating in the 2020-2021 Up to Us campus competition will be evaluated based on their ability to engage peers, their use of creative digital strategies, earned and social media efforts, and overall campaign impact. The winning teams will receive a cash prize, recognition at national conferences and the opportunity to meet with Congressional leaders, bringing the voices of young Americans directly to policymakers. Students from winning and finalist teams can also apply for one of five scholarships from the Reagan Presidential Foundation to participate in its prestigious Leadership and the American Presidency program.

For more information on how to get involved in the Up to Us movement, participate in the campus competition, or host a virtual event, visit the Get Involved section of the Up to Us website.

About Up to Us

Up to Us is a movement of a generation, for a generation that lets policymakers know that young Americans are committed to addressing the nation’s fiscal challenges. Since 2012, Up to Us has created a groundswell of student leaders who’ve engaged and empowered more than 370,000 of their peers towards a more prosperous fiscal future. Created in partnership with the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, Clinton Global Initiative University (CGI U) and Net Impact, Up to Us provides the opportunity for students to build a movement to raise awareness and engagement on America’s fiscal challenges, and hosts an annual competition that takes place on college campuses nationwide.