Up to Us Blog

365 days of Trump: A Retrospective by the Numbers | UpToUs

Written by The Up to Us Team | Jan 19, 2018 5:00:00 AM

As with every new President, it is common practice to take inventory across a few major milestones within their tenure as POTUS. We followed along with Trump’s First 100 days and now, as we mark President Trump’s first anniversary in the Oval Office, we reflect on what has and has not been accomplished in the first year.

The infographic takes a look at 365 days of President Trump, by the numbers, and focuses on the status of some key promises made on the campaign trail. Most importantly, however, is understanding how any of this affects our fiscal future.

While every action, bill signed, and decision made by our elected officials greatly impacts our economic and fiscal futures, one bill took the forefront this year. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which was passed in late December 2017, is expected to increase federal budget deficits by $1.7 trillion over 10 years, according to an estimate by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office. Under the plan, U.S. debt would rise to 97.1 percent of gross domestic product in 2027, up from 91.2 percent under current CBO projections.

Failure to address the trajectory of the debt could result in multiple barriers to millennials, including purchasing homes, having access to government programs, and finding good paying jobs. As we wait to see the full impacts this bill can have on additional campaign promises such as investments in infrastructure and education, as well as on millions of individuals earning power and retirement security, Up to Us calls on our representatives in Congress to broker fiscally responsible legislation that will help –not hurt – the next generation.


Download the infographic here.